Peepal Waste Managers is spearheading a global initiative Make Soil along with its Indian Ambassador MANASA VARANASI (Miss India 2021).

Healing the Earth and Humanity with Make Soil
MakeSoil is a non-profit global movement to regenerate the Earth! Composting food waste back into the new healthy soil is one of the most important things we can do to have a positive impact. MakeSoil matches ‘Soil Makers’ (people who compost ) with the nearby ’Soil Supporters’ ( people who contribute waste/scraps). By doing this at scale, worldwide, we are creating a distributed network for organic recycling. This prevents greenhouse gas emissions, captures carbon, puts nutrients back into the local food system and has lower cost than traditional cut side pick-up-programs. On top of that, “making soil” is an incredibly simple yet powerfully humanising and unifying act, helping to joy just repair the Earth’s Biosphere, but also to repair the ramp hang social division facing human civilization today. This year we’re on a mission to make even more of an impact!
To know more & download MakeSoil app : www.makesoil.org